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The Smith Tip


This gilding tool which I designed in 2007 is known as a Smith Tip. I developed it for the application of applying full gold leaves to glass and flat oil gilded surfaces.

The traditional design for a gilding tip is usually for half size leaves, but I noticed even the experienced gilder struggling on occasions trying to apply full sheets of gold to glass using a normal tip. This gilding tool comes in its own unique box with a separate brass handle for you to screw to the base of the tool. It is robust in design and when mastered after applying several leaves will save you on gold leaf and time.

Please view the videos of my children using it for the very first time, Lauren was 8 and Millie was 5 in these videos in 2007. For information on this tool and where to purchase it, please email me at

Gilding Glass The Smith Tip

Gilding The Smith Tip

Gilding New Gilders Tip by Sign Artist Dave Smith

Gilding by Lauren Smith using the new Smith Tip

Gilding Glass by a Little Princess called Millie Smith

Goldleafing with the New Smith Tip

Glass Gilding using Gold Leaf by 9 yr old Lauren Smith


  1. Donna Puterbaugh

    I’m in Southern California, where can I order the Smith’s tip?

  2. You can order it from me here .
    my email is

    I will give you costs through this email

  3. I got one!…No wait….I got two! And they both work!

    Atta Boy Dave!

  4. Nice one Robare! at least I know they are laying gold with them in Chicago. Thanks

  5. Leo Calleros

    Already have one an love it. Dont get to use it as much as I would like but the times I do I really have a great time with it here in Texas.

  6. I’ve seen your tip being used at Roderick Treece’s workshop. Next time I’ve got to try it for myself. Could you let me know the cost including shipping to San Diego CA
    Thanks so much for sharing with all of us regular guys!

  7. David Smith

    Thanks John. Could you send me your email.? mine is
    Sorry for late reply mate.

  8. Dave,

    I bought one from Angel Gilding and I have to say much like all your other things you design, this too is top notch! Speeds up gilding time like you had a helper and lays it on much smoother.
    Bravo on a great tool.


  9. ray pedersen

    G’Day Dave…

    Am I able to puchase 1 or more of your “Gilding Tips”?
    I have been using the usual method & tip 3.5inch & 4inch although having seen the ease of applying a full sheet of plain gold with your designed Tip I would appreciate having several sizes if they are available…

    My location is Berwick Melbourne Australia.

  10. David Smith

    Yes I can send you one Ray. I will email the cost etc….

  11. Trevor

    Hi David,
    A friend of mine Ray from Berwick in Melbourne is trying to buy 1 of your tips from you.
    He doesn’t have a PAYPAL account though I do. He will contact you and find cost etc and I will arrange payment via my Paypal account if that’s OK? Do you have a Paypal account or a checkout attached to your website etc? so as to forward payment on Ray’s behalf?
    I Await your reply,
    Many Thanks

  12. Steven

    Hi Dave, please send me one of your tips.

  13. Aurelia


    My name is aurelia, I live in France. I just saw your incredible invitation. I’m in art school in Paris. I work the gold leaf at the Château de Versailles, it’s the Château de Louis 14. And I would absolutely like this revolutionary tool is it possible?

    Where can I get it?

    Thank you


  14. Aurélia


    My name is aurelia, I live in France. I just saw your incredible invitation. I’m in art school in Paris. I work the gold leaf at the Castel of Versailles, it’s the Castel of Louis 14. And I would absolutely like this revolutionary tool is it possible?


    Where can I get it?

    Thank you


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